Welcome, New and Continuing Students to the Center for Student Success in Engineering (CSSE)!

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Center for Student Success in Engineering (CSSE)! We are delighted to have you join us as you embark on your academic journey. Your success is our mission, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

Our center is dedicated to providing you with the essential resources and guidance to ensure your college experience is enriching and successful. We offer comprehensive services, including personalized academic advising, robust internship support, and focused tutoring for select courses designed to help you achieve your goals.

Our passionate and professional team, consisting of Peer Navigators, Front Desk Staff, Major Advisors, an Internship Coordinator, College of Engineering tutors, Assistant Dean, and the CSSE Coordinator, is here to assist you. Together, we work tirelessly to provide the support you need to navigate your academic path and excel in your studies.

We invite you to visit us in the College of Engineering, room E-216. Stop by today to discover how we can help you make the most of your time here at San Diego State University.

Here's to your success!


Damien Rosales
Center for Student Success in Engineering Coordinator


The CSSE Peer Navigators provide dedicated advising services to all engineering students, especially those in lower division.

Coming Soon!

Find an internship that’s right for you.